The May 1997 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


A.C.M. held on 13th April 1997 There were 63 persons present. Two new members were elected to the PCC - Alison Norris and David Peacock, Wendy Pearce and Lynn Winter having stood down.

The accounts were accepted, after Mrs Mancz, Treasurer, gave us a short resumé of the changes in effect now because of new Charity Commission directives. All our various organisations have to show their accounts separately, except the Mothers' Union which is a charity in its own right.

Reports from the Committees were included in the ACM booklet of reports circulated before the meeting.

There has been more vandalism by the Choir door; the ivy at the back of the church, and the link fence, has been cleared, after agreement with Iceland.

There was a request for more well-known hymns - see Mark Dancer's report in this magazine...

A 'young' Youth Club was suggested - up to the age of 11 - for consideration by the PCC. An appeal was made for more Sunday School teachers

Traidcraft is seeking to pay a just price to the producers in the Third World, and perhaps, in some cases, it means we have to pay a slightly higher price for the goods.

190 names are now on the Electoral Roll.

New sidespersons were added to the list: Mr & Mrs Linney, Mrs Eleanor Pearson, Mrs Bronwen Wood. Mr George Coleman was appointed as the new Independent Examiner of accounts.

Mrs Mancz raised the point that as priests are disenfranchised, ie no right to a say / vote at 70, the rule should apply to the laity. This raised quite a 'hot potato' so will be discussed at a future meeting. Father Malcolm thanked everyone who contributed to the life of the church, may it go on from strength to strength.

written by Adina Burton, Hon Secretary of the P.C.C.

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page last updated 4 MAY 1997