The September 1997 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


The Vicar

From time to time I have urged the congregation at St George's to use the time before a service as an opportunity and preparation for Holy Communion and to try and keep silence as much as possible to allow others to pray. There used to be a notice on the table (which seems to have disappeared recently!) which said, "Silence Please. Talk to God before Mass and talk to each other after Mass."

We need to use this time in church prayerfully, and that requires quiet and recollection during the Eucharist. If people use this time for idle chatter and talk about everyday things that can easily wait until coffee or tea in the hall afterwards, then our own worship will not be the best we can offer to God and it can destroy the atmosphere and hinder other people's worship and prayer too.

It is so easy to lose that sense of devotion by a lack of stillness and quiet before and during Mass. Even the way we move about can create unnecessary noise and indeed the greatest disturbance of peace can come about from showing visible disapproval of what others are doing. Not only does this mean that we are not being prayerful, but it destroys the atmosphere of devotion for others. If possible use shoes that will not make too much noise as you move, and walk quietly and slowly. If you are reading a lesson, sit near the lectern and not on the other side of the church. Remember always on entering the church, to make an act of reverence to the altar which represents the Lord Himself.

Our time of preparation for worship should include a number of other things too, including a proper preparation the previous night and at the very least an hour's fast before Holy Communion, which is not asking much. Above all arrive in good time, it is bad manners to arrive for worship in a rush at the last minute, or worse late without good reason! If you have duties to attend to like reading a lesson, you should be in church at the very least 15 minutes before the service begins to check the reading on the lectern and if you are uncertain about the pronunciation of a word or name to ask one of the priests. This applies to other duties like the Sidesmen, servers, choir and bellringer etc. Whatever else you do, make sure you kneel and say some prayers yourself before you begin - never take up your task without your duty for prayer before all else. Finally, when you arrive at the church, please do not talk loudly in the porch area.

I will continue my thoughts on how to use the Eucharist next month.

With my blessing and prayers as always,

Your Priest and friend.

written by Fr Malcolm Ferrier

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