Welcome to the March 1998 On-Line edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


As the magazine goes to print the treasurer is busy finalizing the accounts ready for forwarding to our independent examiner George Coleman for scrutiny in readiness for the APCM on 29th. March, 1998. Nevertheless the day to day business of church finance continues and the retiring collections for St. Lukes Hospital for the Clergy during January amounted to £108.60. This charity also benefited from an additional £200 as the organisation nominated after consultation by the Wednesday coffee morning ladies to receive some of the charity funds raised by tea and coffee sales during 1997.

The organ fund received a further boost of £65.40 generated by the auction of unclaimed Duck Race prizes (the race itself raised £160 net) plus a further anonymous donation of £50.00, raising the total collected to £5950.56 and reducing the deficit to be provided from general reserve funds to £1622.14. Ongoing sales from the Webb Ivory catalogue, organised by Ruth Loveman, swelled general church funds by £215, and the Jumble Sale on 31/1/98 made a profit of £126.85. Lastly, the parish has also benefited from a generous bequest of £1000 from the estate of the late Doug Cooper.

written by Linda Wainwright, Hon Treasurer

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page last updated 1 MARCH 1998