Welcome to the May 1998 On-Line edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


An important major part of the meeting was devoted to the Treasurer's report, to explain some of the new format of the 1997 accounts which has been a very complex task. The Vicar thanked all those who have contributed to the life of the church in the past year. Mrs Mancz, churchwarden, brought to the attention of the meeting several repairs which will be needed to the church, in excess of £1,000. Magazine - there is no increase forecast in the price due to more advertisers. The Vicar would like a greater circulation and suggested approaching friends and neighbours. Mothers' Union would welcome gentlemen, especially their input into topical discussions. Flowers - more donations and volunteers for the rota earnestly needed. A weekly list for donations similar to the Eucharistic Gifts suggested and/or a collection box in church. Traidcraft - items will not be brought to the church in future but Pam Dinneen will welcome orders, and the catalogue will be left out by the book stall at coffee mornings.

Three new PCC members were elected - Julia Spurgeon, David Palmer and Bronwen Wood. Bronwen to represent the 8.am congregation. Tony Rice-Oxley has been appointed as the new Church Warden replacing Ruth Loveman. Bernard Browning is retiring as sidesman at the 8 am service after 30 years of loyal service. Sandra Hewett, Jane Cook, David Palmer and Zena Fox volunteered as sidespersons for the 10 am service and Freda Atkinson for the 8 am service.

Volunteers were urgently needed for cutting the grass at the side of the church only. Mr Stevenson has confirmed he is still willing to cut the front.

It was asked how the 8 am Sunday service congregation could become more involved in the life of the church.

The meeting closed with prayers for those people we all knew and loved at St George's who had died in the last year.

written by Adina Burton, Hon Secretary, PCC

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page last updated 1 MAY 1998