Welcome to the May 1999 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


There were 62 people present. Three new members were elected to the PCC - Christine Culley, Jim Dunster, Dick Handy, because Yvonne Jones, Colin Monk and Bill Hutchings were resigning after three years. Felicity Best and Mary Hutchings were appointed as our representatives to the Deanery Synod as June Bradley and Eric Bradshaw were due to resign.

The detailed accounts were formally approved by the PCC on 25th February 1999 and are no longer presented for adoption at the APCM, only for discussion. On recommendation of the PCC, the Treasurer mentioned that if anyone is kindly considering leaving a legacy to the church, that an unrestricted donation is preferred.

Reports from the various St George's groups were included in the APCM (pink) booklet of reports circulated before the meeting, and a copy of which should be at the back of the church.

The Vicar was asked if more prominence could be given to Mothering Sunday - he said he would bear this in mind next year - sometimes it was difficult to tie in with the new lectionary themes.

The planned giving will be reviewed in September, our overall giving is going down - there will be no charity shop this year, and our "staple diet" is the regular giving.

Relatives of the bereaved with memorial stones in the locked Garden of Rest would be notified in future of the code number for access. This must be kept confidential.

The 100 club now has the 100 members, donations go to charity and to our church, but views are sought from church members for specific deserving causes.

There were 183 names on the Electoral Roll in 1998, all regular communicants. The serving sidespersons were duly elected en bloc. Mr George Coleman was re-appointed as Independent Examiner of accounts. The Vicar thanked everyone involved in the running of the church, and church groups.

written by Adina Burton, Hon Secretary to the PCC

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page last updated 1 MAY 1999