Welcome to the Summer 1999 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


In his address to us on World Poverty, (Sunday 6th June) Mr Eric Dinneen suggested that we pray that ways may be found to relieve the poorest people of the world from the devastating effects of their country's debt.

I want to let you know how my prayers for the ramshackle village school of Iwelepe are being answered.

Firstly, an MU member of the Gosport Deanery, whom I had never met, died recently. She left a request that any money given in her memory should be used for an MU Overseas project. Over £600 has been received.

In the same week I received a letter from our Overseas Prayer Linked Diocese in Sydney, Australia. They were asking me to suggest a project in Nigeria, for which they could raise funds during the coming year. I've told them of the needs of Iwelepe village school, to which I feel sure they will respond generously. Thanks be to God.

See Matthew 7.v.7-8, "Ask and it will be given to you..."

written by Margaret Symonds

 footnote to the article on Iwelepe Village, Nigeria, in the May issue of St George's News

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