Welcome to the September 1999 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


Crossword puzzle

Clues Across:

1.& 4. Holy Man, Bishop of Milan. Developed use of Music in the Church. (5,7)
8. Improved by Instruction (7)
9. Standards (5)
10. Drum Incessantly (5)
11. Man's Name... Another 1 & 4 across! (7)
13. Holy Seating? (4)
15. Trapped (6)
17. Protein (6)
20. Fearsome Person (4)
22. Odd (7)
24. Ave ---- (5)
26. Ascend (5)
27. Another 11 Across! (7)
28. Elevate (7)
29. Animal Pens (5)

Clues Down:

1. Doubter (7)
2. Colder (5)
3. Glory (7)
4. Another 11 Across! (6)
5. They are Called in Church (5)
6. The Virgin Mary (3,4)
7. Follow (5)
12. Consumer (4)
14. School (4)
16. Grace (7)
18. Retribution (7)
19. Provides the Means (7)
21. Spin (6)
22. Relative (5)
23. Important Person (5)
25. Harsh and Thin in Tone (5)

Answers next month.

Answers to the Summer 1999 Crossword

Across: 1. Towers. 4. Least. 8. Maids. 9. Oration. 10. Lessons. 11. Best. 12. The. 14. Ones. 15. Love. 18. Eve. 21. Hymn. 23. Reprove. 25. Sisters. 26. Abets. 27. Error. 28. Detests. Down. 1. Temple. 2. Whitsun. 3. Response. 4. Lead. 5. Arise. 6. Tenets. 7. Boast. 13. Elephant. 16. Violets. 17. Chaste. 19. Erased. 20. Beasts. 22. Miser. 24. Hear

written by Jane Rice-Oxley

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page last updated 22 AUGUST 1999