Welcome to the November 1999 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


Churchyard: - faculty has been received and the three yew tree stumps will be taken out soon.

The millennium cross on the tower is in the planning stage.

World debt: - A collection for Jubilee 2000 was proposed for two weeks beginning Sunday 3rd October.

Finance: - this has been reported in St George's News for September.

Pastoral: - The Alpha Course has started; the Friday church opening rota (market day) is up and running, and there is a possible "pram service" in the future for 0-4 year olds.

Fabric: - tenders have been received for the new ramp and porch and the Finance Committee is to investigate how it will be paid for. There will be a yew tree planting on 7th May 2000. The leak on the main church roof is to be investigated.

Millennium: - there are several proposed events for this, to be announced later.

Church Hall: - there is a proposal to build a new church hall attached to the church, and it was proposed that the PCC look into this, without commitment at this stage.

Synod: -next meeting is Monday 11th October. The Bishop's visit to the Deanery is Friday 22nd October, 7.30.pm at The Church of the Good Shepherd, Crookhorn.

Any other business: - The Finance Committee are to look into financial guidelines to help with our procedures, as some possible anomalies have come to light.

The apple tree in the graveyard is causing some concern, as it may demolish the wall. The Fabric Committee is to monitor the situation.

Next PCC meeting is Thursday 18th November, 1999.

Adina Burton, Secretary to the PCC

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page last updated 1 NOVEMBER 1999