Welcome to the March 2000 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


Crossword Puzzle

Crossword No 30: March 2000

Clues Across:

1. Finder of the Commandments (5)
4. Holy (7)
8. Bit of French Coastline (7)
9. Three Dimensional Squares (5)
10. Insincere Talk (4)
11. Consumed (3)
12. Head (4)
15. Spiritual Part of a Person (4)
16. Biblical Has (4)
18. Office for the Dead (4)
19. The Supreme Being (3)
20. Religious Group (4)
24. Religious Book (5)
25. Musical Direction (7)
26. Saves (7)
27. Loathes (5)

Clues Down:

1. Jesus Was One (7,6)
2. Number (5)
3. Look For (4)
4. Loveliness (6)
5. Every (4)
6. Day of Worship (7)
7. Exemptions from Obligations (13)
13. Source of Energy (3)
14. Some Pray on One (3)
15. Shaken Not------- (7)
17. Principles (6)
21. Demand (5)
22. Joint (4)
23. Member of an Indian Religion (4)

Answers next month.

Answers to the February 2000 Crossword

Across: 1. Mend. 5. Tests. 7. Obadiah. 8. Ballades. 10. Ruin. 12. Soar. 14. Good Food. 16. Straddle. 17. Rail. 18. Jets. 19. Actuates. 22. Doormat. 23. Nape. 24. Sail. Down. 1. mash. 2. Doll. 3. Bandaged. 4. Bias. 5. Thurifer. 6. Thin. 9. Apostle. 11. Idolise. 13. Roadside. 15. Overtime. 18. John. 19. Atop. 20. Acts. 21. Saul.

written by Jane Rice-Oxley

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page last updated 3 MARCH 2000