Welcome to the May 2000 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


Dear Friends

As you are aware we here at St George's are celebrating the Millennium with many events around Pentecost 2000. One such event will be a Flower Festival on Friday, Saturday and Sunday 16th to 18th June.

The theme will be The Life of the Church.

Please can you help us fill the church with beautiful displays, and make this Flower Festival really memorable. Your arrangements can be large or small. There are plenty of stands, baskets, oases, ribbons etc. for your use. Staging day is Thursday 15th June, 8.am to 8.pm.

To help you decide on your arrangement, here are some of the display areas: -Weddings and Anniversaries, Baptism and Confirmation, Prayer and Worship, Activities, Festivals, Special events, Seasons of the year, Praise and Glory, Friendship, Love and Giving, Memorials, Music - to name but just a few.

On Saturday 17th June, 1.pm to 3.pm we are holding a Fashion Parade of Bridal Wear through the years. If you have found your wedding dress and would like to take part in this parade please let me know.

The programme for the weekend of June 16th to 18th is: - Thursday: Staging Day. Friday: Festival opens at 10.am until 4.pm. Saturday: Festival opens 10.am until 4.pm with the Bridal Fashion Show from 1.pm to 3.pm. Sunday: Festival opens 12.noon until 3.pm.

Tea and coffee will be served on the lawn. Please help all you can either with displays, time, tea making or donations.

Thank you from the Festival Committee.

Yvonne Jones

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page last updated 5 MAY 2000