Welcome to the Summer 2000 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


Three new PCC members - Jane Cook, Sandra Hewitt and Nancy Parry - were welcomed. Linda Wainwright was reappointed Hon. Treasurer and Jaye Warren was appointed Hon. Secretary.

Mr Gordon Uphill, Parishes Resources Advisor, addressed the meeting at some length on the report First to the Lord, emphasising the need for parishes to concentrate on stewardship and mission.

Churchyard: Concern was expressed at the potentially dangerous state of the site following the removal of the tree stumps. The Fabric Committee is to advise.

Illuminated cross: This matter is still being pursued.

Photocopier: A replacement photocopier is required. PCC to be advised.

Finance: A copy of the Finance Report to 30th April had been distributed to the PCC prior to the meeting and is attached to the full minutes at the back of the church.

Sales of the book by John Symonds had not yet reached the required minimum and greater effort would be made to encourage sales.

Alpha Course: A continuation course is being run.

Christian Aid: There had been a poor response to the request for door-to-door collections.

Confirmation Service: This had gone very well although there was a disappointing attendance by St George's congregation.

The Toddlers' Group (second Thursday in the month) continues to work well, with more attending. Mrs Burton was commended for her work with this and with Friday opening.

Outreach: The setting up of a children's Holiday Club was suggested and will be investigated.

The Flower Festival had to be cancelled because of lack of support from local business.

Mothers' Union: Volunteers are required for the 2001 Cathedral Flower Festival.

Sunday School: There had been a good response to the jigsaw appeal.

St Mary's Church, Axim, Ghana. Following the news of the substantial roof damage sustained by St Mary's Church, it was agreed to change the order of the retiring collections so that St Mary's would be the beneficiary in June, rather than in September.

Church Hall: Discussion continued over the financing of a new Church Hall or the renovation of the existing one.

Synod: Mr Dinneen does not intend to stand again for the Diocesan Synod.

The next full PCC meeting will be on Thursday 29th June.

Jaye Warren, PCC Secretary

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page last updated 1 JULY 2000