Welcome to the March 2001 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


Fr Colin Towner:

Many will have heard of the appointment of Fr Colin as priest-in-charge of St Peter's Southsea. We shall be very sorry to lose him and Sue after 3 years of faithful service as our Director of Music and Organist. We are most grateful to him for all he has done in building up such an excellent standard of music at our worship. Soon the Churchwardens will be taking up a presentation for him on his final Sunday with us at Easter.

In the meantime I hope we shall find a successor to him. This is never easy these days, as so few musicians want to take up an appointment full time. Please pray that we may find the right person to take over what is a most important post in the conduct of our worship.

Lent Groups:

On Mondays at 2.15.pm Margaret Symonds will be leading a group at 144 Stakes Hill Road, using a video, produced by the Bible Lands Society. Please bring your own Bible.

On Sunday evening at Evensong (6.pm), there will be a course of taped Addresses on 'Faith in the Fire' produced by the York Courses which includes talks by the Archbishop of York; Rabbi Lionel Blue; Steve Chalke (of BBC television fame); Dr Leslie Griffiths and Ann Widdecombe MP. I hope to organise an evening which will suit those interested for a discussion group on this course.

Retiring Collection in Lent is for the Bishop's Lent Appeal.

Fr Malcolm Ferrier

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page last updated 3 MARCH 2001