Welcome to the February 2005 On-Line Edition of
Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News

100 Club

As you will see from the accounts, the 100 Club has been able to make a donation of £583.72 to Church funds this year. Unfortunately this is down on our potential of £600 plus interest as we have sadly lost a few of our long standing members this year. I do currently have three vacant numbers and would ask anyone who is not a member to consider joining. It will only cost you £1 per month and you have the potential to win one or more of the monthly amounts ranging from £5 to £100. To those of you who are members, thank you for your continued support and perhaps you could consider taking up a second number - twice the chance of winning!!


Prize money paid out 576.00
Donation to PCC 583.72
Bank at 31.12.04 376.00
Cash at 31.12.04 0.00



Balance at 1.1.04 402.00
Subscriptions paid 1131.00
Bank interest 2.72


Colin Monk

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page last updated 26 September 2005