Welcome to the June 2005 On-Line Edition of
Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News

PCC Matters

The first meeting of the new PCC took place at the Vicarage on Tuesday 26th April. A full copy of the minutes is displayed at the back of the Church. Fr Mike welcomed all the new members.

The £5,000 Liveability Grant cheque had been received and the work on the Church paths had already started.

Nominations and elections took place for various posts on the PCC and the posts of Hon Treasurer (Carol McKells) and Hon Secretary (Jane Cook) were ratified.

Winifred Mancz gave a detailed report on the last Deanery Synod meeting. The next one takes place on 6th June when St George's will be represented by our two new Deanery Synod members, Adrienne Bridger and Margaret Symonds.

Dates for future meetings for the rest of 2005 were agreed and the next meeting of the PCC will take place on Monday 23rd May.

Jane Cook
Hon. Secretary to the PCC

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page last updated 26 September 2005