Welcome to the October 2005 On-Line Edition of
Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News


Crossword No. 86 - October 2005


Clues Across:

1. Knows (4)
5. Gospel Physician (4)
7. Prescribed form of worship (7)
8. Room in a church (8)
10. Hades (4)
12. Principal (4)
14. Example (8)
16. Edges (8)
17. Garden (4)
18. 12 across anagram (4)
19. Affairs (8)
22. Prayers (7)
23. Ark (4)
24. Song of praise (4)

Clues Down:

1. Trespasses (4)
2. Disparage (4)
3. Hoarding away (8)
4. Plead (4)
5. Entrance (8)
6. Bad (4)
9. Sung in Church (7)
11. Reading support (7)
13. Respectful (8)
15. Holds up (8)
18. Burial place (4)
19. Emotion (4)
20.Belt (4)
21. Isreal (4)

Jane Rice-Oxley

Answers next month.

Answers to the September 2005 Crossword

Across: 1. Girdles. 5. Stone. 8. Abide. 9. Incense. 10. Element. 11. Ocean. 12. Artist. 14. Bridal. 17. Quota. 19. Embrace. 22. Instils. 23. Cross. 24. Satin. 25. Resists. Down. 1. Grave. 2. Raiment. 3. Liege. 4. Saints. 5. Succour. 6. Ounce. 7. External. 12. Acquits. 13. Station. 15. Deacons. 16. Censer. 18. Onset. 20. Backs. 21. Eases.

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page last updated 12 October 2005