Welcome to the November/December 2005 On-Line Edition of
Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News

Financial Update

September Income shows Votive box at £149.42, Plant Sales at £140 and income from investments totalling £542.54.

September outgoings include Parish Share of £3690 and fees payable to the Diocese of £357 (fees payable to the Diocese for weddings/funerals etc)

October Income so far shows Diary donations of £29.65, advertising fees £109 and bulb sales £220. Outgoings for October include Parish Share, visiting clergy and guest organist totalling £74.50, £88.30 for the photocopier.

Retiring Collections: September Portsmouth Samaritans - £100.69. October Special Collection for Christian Aid/Asian Earthquake Appeal - £487.76 which came from 2 weeks retiring collections and collections from baptism and Trafalgar Day services.

Thanks to our Wednesday Coffee mornings £50 has been donated to Christian Aid/Niger Appeal.

The end of the year is fast approaching and as you can see from the monthly Financial Reports, displayed at the back of the Church, it is clear that we have exceeded some of the budgeted expenditure and with the heaviest quarter still to go, likely to overshoot the rest. We must continue to be prudent as it goes without saying that costs are up and the Church cannot run without the generous support of its parishioners. We therefore all need to keep reviewing the amount we give. It would be nice to end the year with a healthy start to 2006!

If any more information is required, please feel free to ask and I will endeavour to help. Alternatively, a Finance Report is posted on the Notice Board prior to PCC Meetings, where more information can be found.

Carol Mckells
Hon Treasurer to the PCC

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page last updated 28 November 2005