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Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News

Book Corner

Several of us will be using the book, 'Where Is God?' during Lent. This is one of several York Courses available for groups and individuals. York Courses were founded in Lent 1997 and, according to the book, are used by around 40,000 people per year. (www.yorkcourses.co.uk or email info@yorkcourses.co.uk)

Last Lenten time, I reviewed an unusual children's book of prayers and devotions. This year it is the turn of women (only because it is specifically in the title). 'Footprints. Scripture and Reflections for Women'. Inspirited by the Poem 'Footprints' by Margaret Fishback Powers.

There cannot be many people who are not familiar with the beautiful and inspiring Footprints poem. I must admit I had not, before now, been aware of the name of its author.

The book opens with an introduction from Margaret Fishback Powers who explains the genesis of the poem. She encourages us to "listen for the gentle stirrings of God's grace in your own mind and soul as you read these verses of encouragement" as time is spent with God and he guides us in to a deeper understanding. The poem itself is then produced in full. Each line is then taken individually and paired with reflections and scripture verses from the Old and New Testaments (NIV version). For example, in the second line

'I was walking along the beach with my Lord'

'A close walk with the Lord is an important part of a believer's life.' One of the verses given is this one from 1 Chronicles 28 v 20

'Be strong and courageous and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord God, my God is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you'

This is a delightful gift edition in pink with pink parchment look pages edged in gold and white ribbon marker. An excellent Lent devotional book or gift for Easter (or at any time of the year).

'Footprints. Scripture and Reflections For Women' (Inspirio the giftgroup of Zondervan)

(ISBN 0-310-80174-5).


Lynn Winter

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page last updated 06 March 2006