Welcome to the May 2006 On-Line Edition of
Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News

Walsingham - A New Pilgrim's View

At five o'clock my husband said
This morning you can't stay in bed,
We're off to Walsingham today.
The coach must leave without delay
At seven o'clock, and we would hate
To be the ones to make us late.
We made it! - and with time to spare,
And waited with the others there
Inside St George's, until we
Boarded the coach. Next stop West Leigh,
St Alban's Church, the car park where
The other pilgrims waited there.
Someone locked Yvonne in their loo,
'Twas not the kindest thing to do.
Her absence was a serious loss -
We couldn't start without our "Boss".
Well "organiser" - but you see
That wouldn't fit - poetically!
With everyone accounted for
Our driver, Kieran, closed the door,
And we were off, no more delay,
Our pilgrimage was underway!


At Ely, where we stopped to eat
Our lunch, then afterwards to meet
Again, inside the Cathedral
We gathered, gazing one and all
Upon the statue towering new
With golden hair and frock of blue.
Madonna with a modern face
In this so very ancient place.
The coach sped on, (we hoped to be
At Walsingham in time for tea).
No small hedged fields like we've at home
But here, where mainly crops are grown
Such vast expanses, flat and green
And rich dark Norfolk soil was seen.
(And lots of happy pheasants there
Who blissfully quite unaware
Poor things, that their pre-destined fate
Would be some human's dinner plate!)

At Walsingham by half past four
First to the Holy House, we saw
The rows of many candles there -
One for St George's lit at Prayer.

And then a welcome cup of tea
With scone, in the Refectory.

We had the sweetest room, pale blue
Quite small, but en-suite with a loo.

We're only 'trainee' pilgrims so
There's loads of things we didn't know.
The manual helped, a map as well,
And lots of helpful friends to tell
Us when and why and where to be -
We found our way quite easily.
I loved it all, it seemed to me
A very special place to be.
My favourite moments quite a few -
The "Stations" read from Mary's view,
The Healing Service in the Barn,
It's sense of quietness and calm.
The evening grand procession made
While anthem sang and organ played.
A winding trail of candlelight
A flickering in the dusk of night.
(The music followed us around,
Relayed by speakers in the ground,
So no excuses there could find
For being half a verse behind!)

Steam railway

On Saturday we had free time
And visited the Catholic Shrine.
Then after lunch was over, we
All took a trip to Wells-next-Sea.
We window shopped and ate ice cream,
To hunt for bargains some were keen.
Then chugged our way back home again
Aboard the tiny Wells Steam Train.

And all too soon the time it came
For us to board our coach again.
I'd not expected there to be
Such fun and informality.
A mix of happy social time
With peaceful quiet at this Shrine.
I hope before too long I am
Once more again at Walsingham.

Janet Johnson


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page last updated 06 May 2006