Welcome to the August 2006 On-Line Edition of
Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News

Children's Corner

Word Snake

Begin at the arrow and enter the answer to the clues one after the other. The last letter of one answer is also the first letter of the next.

1. A most valuable gem
2. He followed Belshazzar as king of Babylonians
3. He tends his flock
4. Fifth son of Jacob
5. A god of Babylonian mythology
6. Church musical instrument
7. Anciient city visited by Jonah.

Answers next time.

Answers to last month's Bible Crossword:

Across: 1. Mite. 3. Rock. 5. Pilgrim.7. Subbath. 8. Ark. 9. Tent. 12. Rome. 14. Omega. 15. Israel. 16. Chariot.

Down: 1. Magi. 2. Esther. 4. Caleb. 5. Peter. 6. Giant. 7. Scarlet. 10. Tomb. 11. Ten. 13. Elisha.

Childrens Corner puzzle

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page last updated 12 August 2006