Welcome to the August 2006 On-Line Edition of
Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News

PCC Matters

The PCC met on 20th June. 

Fr Mike reported that the lighting in the Church has now been finished. 

Everyone agreed that the Waterlooville Music Festival had been a great success and it is hoped that we can repeat it next year.  A note will go in the Bulletin and a box will be placed in Church for people to make comments, favourable or unfavourable over the next couple of weeks. 

An e-mail had been received advising that Bishop Kenneth was returning to hospital for two further courses of chemotherapy as his leukaemia has returned and asking for prayers for him and his family.  He is likely to be off for at least 2 months. 

A letter of thanks had been received from Andrew Clark and his family for the gifts he had been given in appreciation of their 20 year tenure of the Stewardship of the Church Hall. 

The new Hall Committee is now up and running. 

The various sub-committees gave their reports and the meeting closed at 9.15 pm.  The next meeting will be held on 19th July.

Jane Cook

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page last updated 12 August 2006