Welcome to the Christmas 2007 On-Line Edition of
Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News

Financial Update

Standing orders 1747.00 Eucharistic wine 36.99
Envelopes 856.00 Candles 60.13
Donation, Music Festival 500.00 Visiting Organist
Votive Sales 39.23 to cover Cecil's holiday 50.00
Eucharistic gifts 37.50 Bulk purchase of bulbs 611.83
Bookstall 48.00 St George's donation
Loose plate collections 93.80 Koforidua
Retiring collection in aid of Sense amounted to £198.97. At the end of August, the bank balance stood at £5051.06, bearing in mind that the Parish Share was delayed due to the Bank account changes, this was very low indeed.
Standing Orders 1573.00 Repair to damaged
Envelopes 994.80 Sacrist lobby door 118.02
2008 Diaries 11.50 Work to church guttering 685.00
Bulbs/plant sales 412.00 Parish share (August) 4844.10
Votive sales 46.14
Loose plate collections 173.78
LTSB account interest 10.35

It was good to see that Lloyds TSB has paid the Church some interest on its funds but also in the pipleine are some charges due. So they give with one hand and take it away with the other!

Retiring collection in aid of St Luke's Hospital currently stands at £147.49. At the end of September the bank balance stood at £2330.57, still being a month in arrears with the Parish Share.

I would also like to mention that donations have been received from the Social and Fund Raising Committee, £307 being the proceeds from the Curry and Dog Racing night and £400 donated on behalf of the Friday Coffee Mornings. These two donations will actually come under October's finances and are gratefully received bearing in mind how tight funds seem to be at the moment.

As always, if you have any queries please feel free to come and aks and I will endeavour to provide the information needed.

With thanks

Carol McKells
Hon Treasurer to the PCC

Firstly I would like to pass on my thanks to those of you who donate via the standing order system, for swiftly amending the bank details for your donations. There are one or two standing orders yet to be amended and would hope those will be actioned very soon. The changeover of the bank accoun to HSBC has gone well and the new account is up and running.

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page last updated 29 December 2007