Welcome to the Easter 2008 On-Line Edition of
Waterlooville's Parish Magazine
St George's News


Crossword No. 104 - Easter 2008


Clues Across:

1. Belt (8)
7. Biblical apparel (5)
8. Giving point in a service (9)
9. Curve (3)
10. Broken down building (4)
11. Fanatic (6)
13. Consecrated oil (6)
14. Guarantee (6)
17. Jeered (6)
18. Mark (4)
20. Not clergy (3)
22. Hermit (9)
23. Seasonal hymn (5)
24. Flowers (8)

Clues Down:

1. Part of a church (5)
2. More effective (7)
3. Weed (4)
4. Burrowed (6)
5. Fraud (5)
6. Teach (7)
7. Short hair on the face (7)
12. Inconsiderate of others (7)
13. Prayer in service (7)
15. Anointing (7)
16. Officer of the church (6)
17. Costly ointment (5)
19. Plants (5)
21. Weaving equipment (4)

Answers next month.

Crossword complied by Jane Rice-Oxley

Answers to the New year 2008 Crossword

Across: 4.Stupor. 5.Tomb. 7.Bustard. 10.Aisle. 11.Intinct. 12.Oiled. 14.Befalls. 15.Abram. 16.Biretta. 20.Kenya. 21.Duelled. 22.Smog. 23.Morals. Down. 1.Tutti. 2.Court. 3.Colitis. 4.Saul. 6.Bolted. 8.Anaemia. 9.Dilated. 10.Acolyte. 13.Abbeys. 14.Babylon. 17.Tudor. 18.Allah. 19.Pews.

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