Christmas Cheer

T’was the week before Christmas
And we heard the refrain
How did Jane R-O
Persuade us yet again?

We have to do a review,
We have to do it quick.
And of course it has to involve
Santa or Saint Nick.

Maybe Tony Shepherd
Could sing a song or two
Or maybe we could do a sketch
With Piglet and with Pooh.

We could get some reindeer
To come and say hallo.
But then again we’d better not
They’d only bring the snow.

We could have a little sketch
Around the Christmas tree
And then we could include the kids
Eating up their tea.

Now what about the Slaters?
Yes, what about that lot?
How about the Royal bunch
aboard the Royal yacht.

What about the vicar?
Has he learnt his lines?
If not we'll have to fix them
Behind a handy sign.

Why do we all do this?
You should hear the men all moan.
“We could be watching soccer
on the couch at home!”

Now the final curtain
Just listen to them cheer.
Once again we’ve done it
And we’ll all be back next year!!

Sarah Monk

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