Welcome to the June 1999 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine


Not a great deal to report this month, but here are the facts and figures.

The retiring collection during April raised £96.05 for the USPG plus £2.64 in Lent boxes. The Society of the Holy Cross collection boxes contained £17.47 and so far this year the Leprosy boxes returned to the Treasurer a total of £18.25. The collection taken at the funeral of the late Mrs Ann Plummer amounted to £171.45 and additional donations in her memory have reached £190. Seventy six St George's Day gift envelopes have now been returned enclosing a total of £932.75 for general church funds and the Parish Luncheon on April 25th made an overall profit of £105.49. The travelling supper on May 8th raised a further £75, a real feast of an evening much enjoyed by those who attended. David Palmer's sponsored beard snip on May 9th raised £15.25. Outgoings have included £75 for work on the yew trees, £41.64 to hire a chainsaw and £165.21 for our annual Performing Rights Society licence.

Finally may I once again remind you all that cheques in connection with all church business should be made payable to "PCC St George's" and not the Vicar. Thank you for your co-operation.

Linda Wainwright, Hon. Treasurer to the PCC

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page last updated 1 JUNE 1999