Welcome to the June 1999 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine

Cover for the June 1999 Issue

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from the Vicar|The Sweet Smell of Perfume|Jesus Christ Superstar 19999|St George's Ladies Group|Book Corner|Financial Update|Women's World Day of Prayer|The Ugliest Village in Norfolk?|St George's Mothers' Union|Ruby's Memoirs|The Y1K Bug|Country Churches|CrosswordGarden Gossip||The MU Speaks out for Grandparents|The Turin Shroud

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feedback and email photo of St George's photo of St George's Church past features from the Vicar The Sweet Smell of Perfume Jesus Christ Superstar 1999 St George's Ladies Group Book Corner Financial Update Womens World Day of Prayer The Ugliest Village in Norfolk? St George's Mothers' Union The Y1K bug Country Churches Crossword Garden Gossip The Mothers' Union speaks out for Grandparents The Turin Shroud