The Parish Church of St George the Martyr, Waterlooville

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) took place on Sunday 22nd April 2012 in the church at 11.30.  There were 63 persons present. Dawn Trimby, as Treasurer, gave her report on the church finances for the year. The accounts have been audited by our new Independent Examiner, Paul Read.

Abi Morgan as Electoral Roll Officer reported that there are 179 parishioners on the Electoral Roll, 81 of these are outside the parish, 7 new members, 3 sadly removed through death and 8 moved away for various reasons.

Thanks went to the PCC who have met 10 times in the last year. This year Marian Haughton and Dawn Hyett stand down at the end of their 3 years. Abi Morgan served one year for Candy Williams who took over as one of the Deanery Synod reps and is therefore eligible to stand again this year. Thanks went to Richard Spurgeon as he finishes his 4 years as Churchwarden. A nomination for Churchwarden was received from Linda Wainwright who was duly elected. This left 4 vacancies on the PCC.  Nominations were received from Geoff Davies, Colin Monk, Abi Morgan and Rachel Palmer who were all duly elected.

The APCM report was on the St George’s website for members of the congregation to download and print out. Alternatively people who asked were provided with a hard copy so Fr Mike went quickly through each report. The minutes are available on the website if anyone wishes to read them.

As there is no Parish lunch this year the meeting finished at 12.15 with wine and cake which was cut by the retiring Churchwarden and the new Churchwarden.

Jane Cook

PCC Secretary

Festival Edition 2012

Annual Parochial Church Meeting