Welcome to the Christmas & New Year 2001/2002 On-Line edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine

PCC Matters Children's Corner Mothers Union 125th Anniversary Celebrations Crib & Christingle Service BKVA Western Canada Trip Crossword Country Churches Norman's Cartoon Taize at St George's Book Corner The Venerable Bede - The Father of English History Obituary Financial Update St George's Ladies Group With logs on the fire and gifts on the tree!!! from the Vicar

Cover for the Christmas & New Year 2001/2002 issue

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from the Vicar | With logs on the fire...| St George's Ladies Group | Financial Update | Obituary | The Venerable Bede| Book Corner | Taizé at St George's | Norman's Cartoon | Ruby's Memoirs | Country Churches | Crossword | British Korean Veterans Association Western Canada Trip | Crib & Christingle Service | MU 125th Anniversary Celebrations | Children's Corner | PCC Matters

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