Welcome to the October 2000 On-Line Edition of

St George's News

Waterlooville's Parish Magazine

  Book Corner Parish Ramble, Barbecue and Evensong Sarah's Ramble Emails from around the world Country Churches Crossword Garden Gossip Tug of War My Admirable Abbess Overture and Beginners, Please August Rambles The Travelling Nativity Set Financial Update On Holiday in Florida with Gretchen & Kent, Pt 3 From the Vicar

cover for the October 2000 issue

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from the Vicar | On holiday in Florida Pt 3| Financial Update | The Travelling Nativity Set | August Rambles | "Overture and Beginners, Please" | My Admirable Abbess | Tug of War | Garden Gossip | Ruby's Memoirs | Crossword | Country Churches | email from around the world | Sarah's Ramble | Parish Ramble, Barbecue and Evensong | Book Corner

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